Meter Upgrades in the District
Posted: March 1, 2023

We are changing all Direct Read Meters, in the District, to
T-10 Procoder Meters!
The old style Direct Read Meters are past their 10 year life expectancy.
The T-10 Pro Coder Meters have long term accuracy (+/- 1%) and have a life expectancy between 15-20 years.
Please be advised that we will be contacting homeowners that have Direct Read Meters, to arrange a day and time for them to be replaced. The replacement will be no cost to the owner.

FAQ About Meters:
Q: How accurate is a meter?
A: We ensure fair and accurate measurements. This is typically set at +/- 1%. Each individual meter is tested and the results posted by the manufacturer before placement in the field.
Q: Can a meter over-register?
A: The short answer is, “No.” a household style water meter cannot over- register. This is because this style of meter functions like a measuring cup or bucket. excess water cannot be measured.
Q: What may cause accuracy “changes”
A: this may occur when an old, worn meter is replaced by a new meter, which more accurately measures water consumption. Or a leak in the homeowners plumbing.