An improvement district providing outstanding quality that consistently meets expectations and industry standards is a key component of the service that Rutland Waterworks strives for. RWD water meets the Interior Health 4­3­2­1­0 objectives and always meets the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality.

RWD utilizes deep water wells, to supply water to 6,480 dwelling units and over 15,000 servicing residents in the Rutland area. With quality water as a top priority for RWD, a comprehensive monitoring and testing program is in place to ensure the best and safest water is provided to Rutland Waterworks customers. Rutland Waterworks Water Quality Technicians collect from ten sample sites throughout the district on a bi-weekly schedule to stay on top of their commitment to quality.

Rutland Waterworks currently accesses water from 19 deep water wells (14 active, 2 are on reserve for future production, and 3 used for observation/data collection), 2 booster pump stations, and a balancing reservoir holding 1,500,000 imperial gal of water. RWD can easily supply water to its customers year ­round, including during peak demand periods and fire flows.

Water Quality Testing & Monitoring Program

RWD monitors 24 hours/day for Cl2 Free and pH through our SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system from 2 locations within the district. 

Total Coliform / E.coli testing is conducted on a rotation schedule of 2 per week, more added if situation warrants it.

Tuesday Tests:

Seven samples are tested for Cl2 free, Cl2 total, pH & Turbidity (short test) (plus 2 from the Total Coliform / E.coli list) Depending on the rotation list; we could be collecting up to 11 samples on that day.

Friday Tests:

Two types of testing are performed on Fridays, (short test) and (full parameter test). 

Friday short test ­­- RWD Standard Sample Site List

  • Samples taken are tested for Cl2 free, Cl2 total, pH & Turbidity. Friday full parameter test (every second Friday) RWD Regular Sample Site List
  • Every Friday samples are tested for Cl2 free, Cl2 total, pH & Turbidity. With the addition of testing for Hardness as CACO3, Iron, Nitrate, Nitrite, Manganese.
  • An estimated 392 tests are performed in any given month. This does not include testing that is requested by our customers or during our annual mainline ­flushing program.